

What is DevOps?

 The development team aims to build a feature-rich experience with having a seamless integration. To overcome this problem, the development team needs faster ways to test pre-release software with collaborative workflow management.  It’s a method to integrate the areas of development and operations. For example: suppose there’s a traditional assembly line where one piece is placed one by one, but

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What is the Process for Application development?

Today the faster you launch your project, the quicker you would grow your business and earn better. This is all that matters. If you feel you won’t be able to manage and organize all complicated processes, then here’s the best method that helps to build an app. Idea Creation The goal is simple: both the business and development team are

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 Why Use React JS for Web Development?

The developers have complete control over React JS. It can also be used to create SPA, and web  apps. You can include any number of external libraries and tools to create large and complex web applications. Many JavaScript developers have swiftly adopted React, and it appears to be here to stay. ReactJS has a rich ecosystem that includes must-have tools

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Shopify – eCommerce Website Builder

What is Shopify? It is a type of platform where users can build their own eCommerce website with all the functionality from add product to sell the product. The user can easily design, develop, deploy and sell all type of products all over the world. With a great user, experience structure is Shopify becomes most popular to generate online stores for products

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What Makes Laravel The First Choice for Developers

Laravel was launched by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and gained a lot of market share quickly due to its simple approach to coding and massive community constantly providing support to each other. MVC Model Architecture Laravel separates the application into three separate but interconnected parts. MVC compartmentalizes the business logic separate from the user interface. The app is made with

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WordPress Development – For Your Website

WordPress development is the all time favorite CMS for your exclusive website. It is the perfect platform for the content management system. WordPress is basically highly user friendly and extensive Content Management System. WordPress is all time preferred CMS among the many content management systems. There are two sides of every coin likewise WordPress has its advantages and disadvantages. Earlier,

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Node.JS Vs Python – Where to Utilize?

There are a handful of languages available for the web developers to develop a back-end website.  The most potent languages used by the developers are C++, Python, Java, and PHP. These languages play a very crucial part in the web developing cycle. There are various organizations from small to big sizes that develop a fantastic website. Some web development companies

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React JS vs. Angular JS vs. Vue JS: What’s the Best Choice?

Many web development companies are in confusion and debating on which tool should be considered in developing JavaScript web applications. In this article, you will find the complete comparison made between Angular JS, React JS and Vue JS which will help you to know the best one. Angular JS Angular JS is an open source client web framework that was

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React native: The Best java Script Based Platform

There are numerous development methodologies to create a mobile app. Every method is unique in its own way depending upon how the goal should be achieved with less effort and cost. Here we talk about Facebook’s React Native to develop undistinguishable native apps for mobile. React Native app development is a project based on ReactJS, which adopts a new approach to

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React Native: Future of Mobile Application Development

The most encouraging and latest approach to shape cross-platform mobile application is React Native. Do you know that the mobile app development industry has seen exceptional growth? Role of React native It is an open-source framework that makes use of JavaScript to shape the hierarchy of UI components to have mobile applications. With native look and feel, it holds the

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